Keywords: Acorn flour, bread, textural properties, color value, storage period, freezer As a result, the bread containing acorn flour showed reasonable textural properties during storage periods. Moreover the addition of acorn flour increased significantly the hardness, gumminess, and brittleness during storage periods. On the other hands, the cohesiveness decreased with the addition of acorn flour. In freezer storage, the addition of acorn flour resulted in the increase of hardness, springiness, gumminess, and brittleness during storage periods. The cohesiveness, gumminess, and brittleness in room temperature storage decreased with the increase of acorn flour contents. The textural measurements showed that the hardness, springiness, gumminess, and brittleness increased significantly during the storage periods. The softness and chewiness decreased, but the overall acceptance increased according to the addition of acorn flour except for the bread added with 25% acorn flour. The bitter aftertaste showed low scores according to the addition of acorn flour. In sensory evaluation, color and taste achieved high scores at 18% addition, but low scores at 25% addition. During the storage period at room temperature, the L, a, and b- value decreased, whereas in the freezer, the L-value decreased except for the bread containing 5∼11% acorn flour. L-value decreased with the increase of acorn flour contents, but the a- and b- values increased. The onset gelatinization temperature and the value at the peak point of the bread decreased according to the amount of acorn flour added. The results were as follows: The loaf volume decreased with increasing the addition of acorn flour from 5% to 25%.

The amylographic characteristics, loaf volume, color, texture, and subjective preference of the acorn bread containing 5∼25% of acorn flour were measured during storage at room temperature and in a freezer. The aim of this work was to make acorn bread containing natural antioxidants as healthy food.